Donna Morgan

About Donna Morgan

Donna Morgan discovered she had a passion for writing at a very early age. It’s a passion that has led her down a few interesting paths in life, not the least of which is a keen interest in health and fitness. With a young family, good food and nutrition has become something of a crusade and she loves nothing more than sharing her discoveries with her readers.

Bodybuilding Tips - What Does a Great Bodybuilding Routine Look Like?

Five Diet Mistakes Bodybuilders Make

There are many mistakes that a bodybuilder can make in their diet to not get the full results that they are looking for. The following are just a few of these mistakes. Avoiding these kinds of mistakes can get you moving in the right direction. The first common mistake is using supplements all of the […]

How Carbohydrates are Beneficial

How Carbohydrates are Beneficial

Carbohydrates are the primary macronutrient ingested in most athletes’ diets. When carbohydrates are ingested, they are broken down into glucose and enter the bloodstream. The body uses blood glucose and stored muscle glycogen for energy during exercise. As the duration of exercise increases, more blood glucose and less muscle glycogen is used for energy. This […]

Amino acids And Their Role in Synthesis Of Creatine

Amino Acids and Their Role in Synthesis of Creatine

During the early 20th century it was first observed that not all of the creatine ingested by animals and humans could be recovered in the urine as creatinine. This suggested that some of the creatine was retained in the body. Folin and Denis were among the first to determine that the creatine content of the […]

Nick Jonas Workout – Juggling Diabetes and Muscle Building

Nick Jonas Workout – Juggling Diabetes and Muscle Building

The Nick Jonas Workout – Juggling Diabetes and Muscle Building – At age 7 when most of his peers were doing whatever it is that most 7 year olds do when they’re not in school, Nick Jonas was carving out a career for himself on Broadway.  By age 10 he’d already co-written his first song, […]

Top Tips to Make Your Work Out More Effective

Top Tips to Make Your Work Out More Effective

Exercise can be the best solution to stay in shape and maintain a healthy living. However,  it won’t work on its full effort without changing your old habits. Add the fact that old habits die hard. Thus, every person must seriously undergo lifestyle changes so that the workout will be more effective in losing weight. […]

Kawhi Leonard Workout Focuses On Lateral Flexibility

Kawhi Leonard Workout Focuses On Lateral Flexibility

Kawhi Leonard Workout Focuses On Lateral Flexibility – Slow and steady wins the race. It worked in the case of the tortoise and the hare and it’s worked for San Antonio Spurs star forward Kawhi Leonard. Brought into the Spurs lineup back in 2011 as a 15th draft pick trade for George Hill, it was […]

Easy Ayurveda and Yoga to Start the Day

Easy Ayurveda and Yoga to Start the Day

In today’s busy world, many of us don’t get enough sleep. Our work days are long, our families keep us busy, and the wheels in our heads turn all through the night. Did I feed the cat? Did I remember to pay the gas bill? I hope Lucy does well on her math test tomorrow. […]

The Phantom Menace is SUGAR

The Phantom Menace is SUGAR

Creeping under your skin? You bet! This could be the single biggest biological reason why you’re fat. The phantom menace is SUGAR. A couple of years ago, I was simply mis-educated. I thought all I had to worry about was just the white powder. As it turns out, I had to cut down on potatoes […]

2 Crucial Things You Need Down Your Neck After a Workout!

2 Crucial Things You Need Down Your Neck After a Workout!

One of my favorite scenes in a movie is in “End of Days”, when Arnold Schwarzenegger wakes up, sticks a pizza and whatever leftovers he can find around his kitchen into a blender whilst proclaiming “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” – Then of course, he necks the contents of the blender! […]

Von Miller Workout - 1

Von Miller Workout – Player Nutrition & Exercise Info

Von Miller is one elite athlete who won’t be turning muscle into fat when he ceases his Von Miller workout regime! That’s because the Denver Broncos’ outside linebacker is very careful these days about what he puts in his mouth. He wasn’t always that way though. A college lifestyle often leads to college eating habits […]