Casein Protein and Its Top 4 Benefits

Casein Protein and Its Top 4 Benefits

Give Your Body What It Needs

Casein is a protein found in dairy products. Representing almost 80% of the protein in cow’s milk, the substance appears in various other foods, as well, such as cheese, yogurt and so on. It is also used as a supplement powder.

Casein has been scientifically proven to have certain positive effects on the body, so its consumption is very important when it comes to general health. The substance forms a type of gel in the stomach, slowing down the digestion process and determining a gradual release of the amino acids into the bloodstream.

Casein Protein – Help Your Body, and Your Body Will Help You

As research has proven, some of the most important benefits this protein has become so well-known for are related to the process of keeping the body healthy and in shape.

  • Building muscle mass – if you want to build up your muscles, Casein will be of great help; use the protein powder to make shakes and drink it about two times a day (preferably before and after your workout) – it will help your muscles grow considerably;
  • Faster muscle recovery – since Casein is digested a lot slower than other proteins, if consumed before bed, it will provide the organism with a constant protein release throughout the night, assisting with muscle recovery;
  • Improved fat loss – Casein Protein contains high levels of calcium, and it has been proven that creating a balance between protein and calcium will allow the body to lose more fat than by just increasing the protein intake;
  • Fighting Colon Cancer – Casein Protein is also beneficial in protecting the body against colon cancer; it has been demonstrated that this protein found in dairy products has a higher chance of preventing the condition than proteins found in other foods such as soy or meat.

It Doesn’t End Here – Additional Benefits

Casein is the perfect source of protein for the organism. Also, when it comes to vegetarian diets that allow the consumption of dairy products, it is the best alternative as a protein source, since it is fully capable of replacing the protein that the body normally extracts from meat.

At the same time, Casein is also a good hydration source. Researchers state that milk is effective in this matter and, since milk is mostly Casein Protein, using it as a source of rehydration after making some kind of effort (such as gym workouts or running) would be an excellent idea, and your body will surely like it.

How to Consume Casein

Because of its general properties, the best times to consume Casein are before and after a workouts (for muscle building) and before bed (for recovery during the night). This way, the protein will provide the organism with the right amount of energy in order to keep it going, and it will protect it at the same time.

Casein is easily found in dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and so on, but you can also get it as a protein powder supplement – you can choose how you want to consume it. Also, besides all the benefits it has for the body, it tastes delicious for those who love dairy products in general.

Protein And Its Role In A Healthy Lifestyle

The role of protein in our lives is well understood by most of us. It’s an essential nutrient. Proteins are made up of long strings of amino acids, called polypeptides. When we consume proteins, our digestive system breaks them back down into their constituent amino acids for subsequent use by the body. We use amino acids in some shape or form for nearly every bodily process. They are the pre-cursors, or ‘ingredients’ we need to be able to manufacture hormones, enzymes, body tissues and body structures. They are used to repair cells and can even be used as fuel to keep our cells running.

Proteins – An Essential Source Of Amino Acids

Tyrosine for example is used to produce melanin, our skin and hair pigment. The essential amino acids valine, isoleucine and leucine are used to build and repair muscle tissue. Arginine is used to make nitric oxide, a vasodilatory mediator that plays a vital role in keeping our blood pressure healthy and our heart muscles contracting regularly. Creatine, despite its popularity as a muscle-building supplement, is naturally produced in our bodies using arginine and glycine. You can read more about Creatine supplements, and whether they’re worth the hype.

Protein Supply – It’s All About Diet

Most of us get enough protein from our diet. Even those of us who perhaps don’t eat as healthily as we should! Proteins are obtained from all manner of dietary sources. Some of these foods are referred to as complete protein sources, meaning they provide all the essential amino acids and many of the non-essential ones as well. What is an essential amino acid? All amino acids are ‘essential’ in the sense that we require all 20 of them in varying amounts. However, the 9 amino acids deemed ‘essential’ are those that must be obtained via our diet because we can’t manufacture them ourselves. In other words, they are an ‘essential’ part of our diet. Non-essential amino acids are those we can manufacture ourselves provided we have the raw ingredients.

Most animal proteins are complete protein sources – meat, dairy, eggs, fish. Therefore, people who eat these proteins regularly are unlikely to require special protein supplements unless they’re into heavy bodybuilding. Even then, those additional protein requirements can usually be met by increasing dietary intake of proteins.

Even Vegetarians And Vegans Get Enough Dietary Protein

Even vegetarians are mostly OK for protein because they still eat diary and eggs. The group at most risk of not getting enough protein are vegans, who only eat non-animal foods. However there are many plant based sources of proteins that contain these essential amino acids, which debunks the protein myth that we need to eat meat as a source of protein! Hemp and soy proteins for example contain all 20 amino acids. Other good plant based sources of protein for vegans includes nuts, seeds, and legumes – beans, chickpeas, lentils etc. In fact, one cup of cooked beans provides the same quantity of protein as 2 ounces of meat! Mushrooms are another good source of protein.

About Susan Rogers

For Susan Rogers, the idea that there must be more to life than waking up, going to work, coming home, and going through it all again tomorrow led her leave her safe job in a health care center for the uncertain world of freelance writing. What she was going to write about was a given. The same interest in health and fitness had led to the job in the health care center originally. So these days she wakes up, heads into her home office, and writes ...