Lower Back Pain Exercise Recommendations

Lower Right Back Pain – Lower Left Back Pain

Lower Right Back Pain - Lower Left Back Pain

Lower right back pain is a special type of lower back pain which tortures thousands of individuals around the globe. It is distinguished by the common lower back pain because it affects a different part of the region – the right area, while sometimes it can extend even lower back until the buttock area.

Lower Right Back Pain Causes

The causes of this pain may well be those of the regular low back pain: Strained muscles (as a result of overuse), poor posture, wrong technique in weight lifting or exercising, herniated discs which spill into the spinal column or osteoporosis, which reduces the density of the bones and others, can trigger Lower right back pain.

To be more specific about the lower right back pain, its source can be located at the connection between the sacrum and the pelvis; this connection is called the “sacro-iliac” joint and it is a flat bone joint devoid of disc protection. This joint can develop as a source of pain when tightened, because this move forces muscles and ligaments to tighten as well – therefore, a sense of discomfort occurs.

Lower right back pain can also be attributed to the quadratus lumborum muscle as well as the erector spinae. The former runs from the base of the rib cage to the pelvis while the latter includes the muscles in either side of the spine. When these muscles get weak or stiffen, they could provoke pain in the lower right area of your back.

Whatever the intensity or the type of the Lower right back pain is, you SHOULD NEVER IGNORE the signs it sends you. Therefore, pay a visit to your GP, who can identify the source of the lower right back pain you feel and give you the proper treatment. Also, bear in mind that you should maintain your back muscles strong and flexible, so as to be less prone to this disorder.

Lower Left Back Pain

Pain in the lower left side of back is a more complicated malfunction than the standard lower back pain. Discomfort affecting the left side is an indication for taking action and visiting your general practitioner who will indicate the treatment depending on the reason.

Lower Left Back Pain Characteristics

A piece of info you should know (unless you have already experienced on your own!) is that lower left back pain may differ in intensity; therefore, you may sense acute pain, which gives you consecutive shots of intense pain and, once treated (by treatment or on its own), it may not bother you again, or chronic pain, which can last from months to… an eternity and vary in the degree of discomfort it delivers.

As with the normal lower back pain, lower left back pain may have its root in disorders of your whole back or spine (e.g. herniated discs located between the vertebrae, arthritis of the lumbar spine or injury to tendons and ligaments of the area). All these factors bring about a difficulty in movement, reduction in flexibility and soreness.

Moreover, lower left back pain may appear due to a kidney infection and kidney stones. Especially if you encounter problems with urination or see blood in it, then it’s easy for your doctor to identify the source of the disorder and then cure it.

Lower left back pain may also appear in women as a result of pregnancy. During this period, the uterus grows giving the pregnant’s abdominal muscles a hard time and, inevitably, results in ache in the lower left back area.

And we should fail to mention that muscle weakness and imbalance as a serious factor which causes lower left back pain. Lack of exercise means that your muscles do not offer proper support and balance to the spine and back, so pain and stiffness come as a natural consequence.

About Stephen Sammes

Stephen (spelt ‘ph’ not ‘v’) Sammes is a writer and editor with a special interest in natural health and wellness. He’s also keenly interested in food. Of the healthy sort that is! When he’s not researching and writing about health, he can often be found improving his own at his local gym.